Sunday's Are For Self-Care

Sunday's Are For self-care here at ReBourne. Everyday you should be putting yourself first but if not be sure to reserve a day or 2 out of the week to love on yourself. Your mental health is key when it comes to stress management. Here's 5 ways to keep your spirits high. 

1. Breathe

Something so simple yet so critical. Just breath... Breathing helps lower blood pressure and heart rate. Try breathing while burn a candle from our collection. It's a great way to relieve anxiety. Thank us later. 

2. Play Music.

Listen to some tunes. Could be your favorite song or sounds of nature. Sonic stimulation is a top tier way to get your mind off everyday stressors. 

3. Take a Quick Walk

Take a stroll. Go alone and quiet the chatter. This is great for wandering minds and quieting the chatter. Trust us, it totally worth it. 

4. Vitamin D

Head outside and get some sun to shift your mood. Getting some sun is a natural way to combat depression and put healthy people in an even higher spirit. Be sure to moisturize with our all natural lotion and wear your spf to maintain beautiful skin.

5. Get A Massage

Maybe your lover can give you a nice rub down. If not a professional masseuse is certainly the trick for instant relaxation. Use our all natural lotion for your massage, feel amazing instantly. 

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